Silver concentrations in the aquatic ecosystem may elevate as a consequence of anthropogenic action along with natural leaching from silver sites. Salts of Ag, like AgNO3, are soluble and separate into free ions Ag+ that are famed to be harmful to adult fish’s ion-regulatory systems. Less is known about the impacts on fish embryos and their progression. The study’s target was to first examine how dissolved silver affected zebrafish Survival rate and hatchability, also the study comprehend the sublethal reactions linked to osmoregulatory disruption (Na+K+-ATPase, electrolytes level), the oxidative stress parameter total glutathione (GSH), cardiac development (nkx2.5 gene), and defence opposed to toxic metal (evaluated the metallothionein Mt2 expression). Embryos with age less than 1 hpf have been subjected to (0) Ag (without adding silver), 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, and 15 µg/L-1 AgNO3 for up to 72 hr. Even though embryo’s survival rate wasn’t significantly influences by mounting concentrations of total Ag, a fall off hatching rate and increment in heartbeat were detected (p<0.05 by ANOVA test). Living and dead embryos have been collected at both 24 \& 72 hpf to estimate the concentrations of silver, metal and biochemistry. Using ANOVA analysis, it was also detected a significant under probability 0.05 increment in embryonic Ag in living embryo at both 24 as well 72 hpf, along with 24 h dead embryos. Besides, using two way ANOVA analysis, it had been detected more significant (p<0.05) accumulation in 24 hpf living embryos. Dead embryo as well living one at 72h exposing to Ag possessed significantly (p<0.05) lower Sodium and Potassium levels. Also, live embryos exhibited a transient significantly (p<0.05) increment in Calcium concentrations at 24 h. Although, there were non-significant impact of Ag on Na+K+-ATPase efficacy, Mt2, total GSH concentrations in 24h and 72h embryos, but 4, 4, and 4 folds significantly (p<0.05) increment respectively were showed in the non-exposed 72h aged embryos versus non-exposed 24h aged embryos. Conversely, nkx 2.5 gene expression significantly (P<0.05) reduced by 1-fold at 24h aged embryos as compare with control group. While, nkx2.5 reduce 2-fold in 72h non-exposed embryos in comparison with 24h non-exposed embryos.