Stress in adults with congenital heart disease – preliminary results on anxiety, life events, coping and socioeconomic factors (RCD code: IV)
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We performed pilot analysis of the anxiety level, frequency of life events and their interactions among adults with congenital heart disease (CHD), and evaluated their coping strategies and socioeconomic functioning. In a cross‑sectional questionnaire study on 30 consecutive ambulatory patients with CHD we addressed these issues by a custom‑designed tool incorporating state‑anxiety scale of the State‑Trait Anxiety Inventory, the brief‑COPE questionnaire (Polish versions) and 10 selected life events. We found that state‑anxiety level adjusted for sex, age and life events differed by CHD defect category (R2 = 0,51; p<0,001). Other factors are characterized and briefly discussed. JRCD 2014; 1 (6): 10–14
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