Journal of Rare Cardiovascular Diseases

ISSN: 2299-3711 (Print) e-ISSN: 2300-5505 (Online)

Vol 2, No 3 (2015)


Table of Contents


Improving education quality in the field of rare diseases following European Union recommendationsPDF
Podolec P73

Review Article

Rare diseases
Establishing a curriculum on rare diseases for medical studentsPDF
Kopeć G, Podolec P74-76

Original Paper

Rare congenital cardiovascular diseases
Plasma Endothelin‐1 in patients with atrial septal defect – the novel diagnostic indicator (RCD code: IV-2B.1)PDF
Komar M, Podolec J, Gancarczyk U, Płazak W, Sobień B, Tomkiewicz‑Pająk L, Wilkołek P, Przewłocki T, Podolec P77-81

Case Report

Rare congenital cardiovascular diseases
55 years old patient with congenital heart malformation (RCD code: IV-1B.1a)PDF
Stanisz-Kempa J, Skowerski M,82-84
Cardiovascular diseases in pregnancy
Favorable course of peripartum cardiomyopathy (RCD code: VII-III-5C)PDF
Rubiś P, Podolec M, Wiśniowska-Śmiałek S, Płazak W, Stępniewski J, Leśniak-Sobelga A, Nessler J, Podolec P85-88
Rare congenital cardiovascular diseases
Thrombosis within Glenn anastomosis (RCD code: IV-1D.1b)PDF
Kozicka U A, Kowalski M, Hoffman P89-91
Diseases of the Heart
62 year‐old woman with recurrent pleural and pericardial effusion (RCD code: III)PDF
Nowak P, Liszniański P, Nowak J, Żółkiewicz E92-95


Fourth Conference of the Pulmonary Circulation Task Force of the Polish Cardiac SocietyPDF
Waligóra M, Kopeć G96-97