Journal of Rare Cardiovascular Diseases

ISSN: 2299-3711 (Print) e-ISSN: 2300-5505 (Online)

Vol 3, No 3 (2017)


Table of Contents


“Let (the hospital) serve!” Pope John Paul II. Visit at the John Paul II Hospital in Krakow, June 9, 1997PDF
Podolec P71-72

Review Article

Rare arrhythmogenic disorders
Brugada syndrome: current diagnostics, epidemiology, genetic data and novel mechanisms (RCD code: V‑1A.1)PDF
Matusik PT, Pudło J, Rydlewska A, Podolec J, Lelakowski J, Podolec P73-80

Original Paper

Diseases of the Heart
Electrocardiographic abnormalities in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis (RCD code: III)PDF
Błaut-Jurkowska J, Kaźnica-Wiatr M, Żygadło A, Tomkiewicz-Pająk L, Podolec P, Olszowska M81-85

Case Report

Rare congenital cardiovascular diseases
Coronary sinus atrial septal defect in adults (RCD code: IV‑2B.1)PDF
Barabash O, Ivaniv Y, Ivaniv I, Predzemirska O86-88
Rare arrhythmogenic disorders
Broad QRS complex tachycardia in a patient with myotonic dystrophy (Steinert disease) (RCD code: V‑4O)PDF
Majewski J, Lelakowski J89-91
Exercise ECG unmasked Brugada sign: manifestation of the risk of sports‑associated sudden cardiac arrest (RCD code: V‑1A.1)PDF
Matusik PT, Komar M, Podolec J, Karkowski G, Lelakowski J, Podolec P92-97
Rare diseases of the heart
Isolated right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis in a young male with chronic myeloid leukemia (RCD code: III‑3F.2)PDF
Sultan FT, Hasan Y98-100


Report from the 66th American College of Cardiology Congress 2016 in Washington, DC, USAPDF
Rubis P101-102